Author Archives: selfimprovementhacks

Foundations Of The Law Of Attraction

The Lord Buddha said “All that we are is the result of what we have thought”, the Darby Bible Translation tells us that Job, 3: 25 of the old testament, declared, “For I feared a fear, and it hath come upon me, and that which I dreaded hath come to me.”

It seems that both Buddha and Job understood the eternal workings of the Law Of Attraction. However, unlike the enlightened Buddha, Job, like the majority of people today, suffered the dire consequences of not using this law to his advantage!

The Law Of Attraction at its very basic level states that everything is created by thought and that thought attracts to itself, physical things, people, situations and circumstances. Your thoughts are attracting these things in this very moment!

However, we do not just create and attract the material things that enter our lives, we also create the body we occupy, the personality we display and, ultimately, the person we are and we do it all through our thoughts.

Are you creating the life you desire & becoming the person you wish to be or are you like Job and bringing upon you all manner of woes because you are giving your attention to them?

Perhaps you are even identifying yourself as a victim and refusing to acknowledge the Law and use it consciously!

The Law Of Attraction is not as big a Secret, as the hit movie would have you believe. It has been around since the dawn of time and is an unbending, ever-present rule of the Universe. You cannot escape it!

There is a great body of evidence that suggests mankind has known about, and utilised, the great Law for about 7000 years.

However, the teaching of universal truths did become clouded for many hundreds, if not thousands, of years by greedy self-serving dogmatists that wished to keep control of the masses and was actually banned at one point.

It was largely at the beginning of the 20th century that the general public started to become aware of this great law due to the diligence, fortitude, integrity and grace of writers such as James Allen (1864-1912), Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) and Charles Haanel (1866-1949).

Wallace D. Wattles (1860 – 1911) was another pioneer of free thinking. In his great work “The Science of Getting Rich” Wattles states a great truth, “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.” How revolutionary that statement was in 1910.

Haanel set out in a 24 part correspondence course, which is now condensed into one volume called “The Master Key System“, a complete guide to successfully using the Law Of Attraction! It was banned by the Church in 1933 due to its revelations. This is allegedly the book Bill Gates read before he created Microsoft!

Napoleon Hill revealed Andrew Carnegie’s great Secret to the world – that thoughts create things – when he wrote “Think & Grow Rich” in 1937 (although it had taken him 25 years to complete).

James Allen wrote his famous work in 1912 and in “As a Man Thinketh” he tells people that “mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.”

However, although the teachings have been around for thousands of years and they have been readily and easily available to the general public for almost a century the great majority of people do not take the time to learn the workings of probably the most powerful physical law in the Universe.

I think you owe it to yourself to delve deeper into this mysterious Universe and learn as much as you can about the laws that govern your life. When you truly understand the Law Of Attraction and begin to work with it for you personal advantage, I promise you, your life will change in fantastic, unexpected and unlimited ways.

Begin now to utilise this gift and construct in your imagination the life you really want to live. Seek out ways to remove your own inner resistance and limiting beliefs.

Start to use the Law Of Attraction today!

Mindzoom Affirmation Software Review

We all know what an excellent instrument the Internet can be.
Where else can you reach millions of people from different walks of life within seconds,

Studies indicate that the average person spends at least 30% of
their time in front of a computer.

Imagine if every time you were on your computer, whether it is working, writing emails or surfing the net,
you could enhance your personal development.

Well, that’s exactly what Dino and the folks at MindZoom had in mind when they
launched their site.

Our mind can either be our best friend or our worst enemy depending on what you feed it.
You wouldn’t believe how much trash we feed our mind every day!
Why don’t we give our mind possitive bursts of input? We can easily.

Affirmations are defined as the assertion that something exists
or is true. That being said, positive affirmations are basically
when we assert that something positive about ourselves or anything
else is true.

This activity in turn, yields positive results as our
inner world reflects our outer world.

Many of us have a hard time feeding ourselves positive

And for those who can, we sometimes can run into a “blockage” from our conscious mind.

Our conscious mind sometimes tends to question our beliefs to the point that we can become discouraged.

The sub-conscious mind accepts commands without questioning them.
So it is imperative that you feed it positive affirmations.

Well, imagine if you could feed your sub-conscious positive affirmations
while performing your daily activities on your computer.

Through the affirmation-delivering engine and the silent subliminal
messaging center, that is exactly what the MindZoom software
can and will do for you:

Learn more about Mindzoom Affirmation Software here!

The Affirmation Delivering Engine conveys thousands of positive
commands at speeds that bypass your conscious mind and sends them
directly to your sub-conscious, SAFELY AND DISCRETELY.

The Silent Subliminal Messaging System translates text affirmations
into to speech that are then delivered through a High Frequency
envelope, which reach the brain but are not heard by the human ear.

This software comes complete with a manual and is packed with
special options such as ways to add, change or delete your
affirmations, select the display position, change your font
preferences as well as change your message frequency and display

This incredible software can and will enhance your life by allowing
you to:

  • Remove bad habits
  • Learn Faster
  • Improve Your Memory
  • Overcome Fear
  • Improve Your Social Skills
  • Overcome Obstacles That Prevent You From Progressing Forward
  • Understand Your Feelings
  • Multiply Your Business Achievements
  • Raise the Level of Your Overall Success

The top three reasons this product is a great buy are:

1.) This software original and innovative.
2.) It´s premise is based on techniques that work.
3.) It is very easy to use and is not time consuming.

Aside from all that, it comes with FREE
updates and unlimited e-mail support. That shows us
that Dino and his staff stand behind their product and I like

If you truly wish to expand the platform, which raises your level of
personal development, log on to the MindZoom website and purchase
your software today:

Get Mindzoom Here!

In less than 2 minutes, you can have a full installation on your PC
and be on your way enhancing your life through positive affirmations.

What is self-hypnosis?

Today, more and more people practice self hypnosis even at the comforts of their own homes.

Although this can be done, it is best to do with if one has knowledge or background on the practice. To know more about self hypnosis, a research must be done before actually trying it or practicing it at home.

Research on self hypnosis can be done by using the Internet and looking for online sites that offer information on the subject. With just one click on any search engine, thousands of references may appear on the screen.

Look for those sites that can link you to what would you want to know about the practice so you won’t have to waste time in searching all those links.

Aside from doing an online research, you can also get information from various books and magazines.

There are actually so many health magazines that come up with features on self hypnosis because they believe that this can greatly help the overall well being of a person.

If you know people who have been practicing self hypnosis, you can also ask them for some tips on how to start with it and how to make it easier for you.

One great way of being informed about self hypnosis is knowing how it started or where did it originate so you will have a better understanding of the practice.

There were so many people who were considered as pioneers when it comes to self hypnosis.

Many of them were influential in the practice and somehow formed what it is today just like Scottish physician and surgeon named James Braid who claims to discover self hypnosis or hypnotism in 1894.

After discovering it, he first taught it to several clients before actually tried it to himself. His theory in self hypnosis says that but “feeling is the very truth” once you tried to use it when dealing with physical or emotional problems.

In the beginning of 20th century, Émile Coué had his take on self hypnosis as well. Many say that he is an influential figures when it comes to the subsequent development of the practice.

He came up with the theory on “conscious autosuggestion” which eventually became renowned around the world for being an effective self-help system.

His detachment from the concept of the usual “hypnosis” were passed to his followers like as Charles Baudouin who is one of the pioneers of modern hypnotherapists.

German psychiatrist Johannes Schultz also became a well known figure in the field of hypnosis when he developed “autogenic training”.

This specific training is designed for relaxation and was made to public awareness when it was first published way back in the year 1932. The influence of Schultz in this approach was fellow German hypnotist named Oskar Vogt.

Hypnotherapist and early behavior therapist Andrew Salter also contributed a lot in self hypnosis when he published his first major academic journal on self-hypnosis that talked about the three techniques of autohypnosis in 1841involving “autohypnosis by post-hypnotic suggestion”, “autohypnosis by memorised trance instructions,” and “fractional autohypnosis”.

Who can benefit from self hypnosis?

Experts say that when used or practiced properly, self hypnosis can benefit everybody.

This is everybody—who undergo different levels of stress and those who need motivation for personal development or to increase performance in strenuous activities such as sports.

Self hypnosis can also be used for extensive modern hypnotherapy which can be done through a learned routine or through listening to a CD where the routine is recorded.